We just wanted to touch base with you, and to put forward the positives of the luncheon which took place on Monday 25th July 2022. It was an absolute pleasure to have the Boardroom event hosted by PwC, with their utmost hospitality and comfort to all our esteemed guests, who made the effort and time to attend this event.
Jason Habak Partner, PwC Privatewelcomed the President of the ALCC, Mr Salim Nicolas OAM, who thanked all guests for their valuable time and the effort to attend this event. Mr Nicolas pointed out that the ALCC would be prepared to host future events as this, with numbers starting from 20-230 guests, if they would make their premises available, at a time and date which is workable, taking up topics of interest to suit the audience at the time.
Jason presented the first speaker, Tim Dyce who joined PwC in late 2021. Tim is the Former Deputy Commissioner for Private Wealth with over 40 years’ experience at the ATO. He played a significant role in developing the ATO’s Top 500 and Next 5000 programs which you may have heard about as part of the ATO’s focus on private businesses and their tax governance.
Given Tim’s extensive experience and relationships at the ATO, it was very interesting and useful to hear his unique perspective in dealing with the ATO reviews, which the audience found to be quite valuable.
Jason then introduced Rachael Cullen who is a Partner in their stamp duty practice. Rachael has over 15 years’ experience in providing Australian stamp duty services to clients in a number of industries, including mining, infrastructure, energy, property. Rachael provides practical, commercial advice on the stamp duty implications of transactions in all Australian jurisdictions, and has extensive experience in assisting businesses in understanding and complying with their stamp duty obligations. Both topics were well received by those present, and both were open for questions from the floor.
Guests enjoyed a very wholesome luncheon served by in-house caterers. Both topics were relevant to the audience.
We will keep you informed of the next Board room event, and it was a real pleasure to be with a great group, and for the ability to heard the address of both speakers, who shared their expertise and informative presentations. It would be a pleasure to have your presence at the next event.
Please watch this space for future ALCC events, The ALCC would welcome any feedback from you……. email us on: www.info@alcc.com.au