Over 600 guests from a variety of industries, gathered at Dolton House Pyrmont to attend The ALCC’s Annual Business Luncheon. The Hon. Barry O’Farrell, Premier of New South Wales addressed The Chamber with his plans to build a prosperous future for New South Wales.
The event was sponsored by PWC and the Institute of Training along with the ALCC’s Partner, Arab Bank Australia. Kieran Gilbert from Sky News was the Luncheon’s MC. Kieran is of Lebanese heritage and entertained the guests with anecdotes from his trip to Lebanon.
The ALCC President Joe Khattar AM said, “It is with great pleasure to welcome Barry once again to the Chamber’s Luncheon. He has been a long-time supporter of our community and we would like to thank him by giving him the chance to address our members”.
Barry spoke about his plan for NSW to improve the building industry, the focus on building trade relationships between Australia and Lebanon. He also acknowledged the contributions of the Australian-Lebanese community.
“I thank The Chamber for everything you do, you genuinely are builders… That great Cedar of Lebanon has certainly flourished on these shores, and on our shores, that great Cedar of Lebanon has flourished with daubes of Wattle”, said Barry O’Farrell.
Anthony Albanese MP, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport was visiting Lebanon during the Luncheon and passed on a message after meeting with the President of Lebanon, Michel Sulaiman.
The Minister wrote, “Australia and Lebanon share a warm and productive bilateral relationship that is underpinned by strong community and people to people lengths. The trade relationship we share with Lebanon is an important one with efforts to build and strengthen, are being spear headed by the Australian Lebanese Chamber of Commerce…”
The highly successful event was shortly followed by an intimate opportunity for members to network at The Star.
The Annual Business Luncheon is one of the ALCC’s flagship events. It is a great opportunity for members and guests to build their network in a social, to get involved contact The Chamber via info@alcc.com.au.